29 September 2008

The reason why the Republicans voted against the bailout more than Democrats is because they have more incumbents in close reelection races, not because of the yarn by Republican leaders that they voted against Bush’s wishes upon being offended by Pelosi’s criticisms of Bush. This isn’t a case of one side demagoging the matter at the House level though Mr. Country First is up to his usual garbage.

Kucinich notes a letter from an law professor saying that because the government is buying minority shares of mortgages, they wouldn’t actually have the legal authority to renegotiate the mortgage with the homeowner.

I hold to my conviction that things need to get better to get better, on account of my sentimentality for surprising people with depression-era theoretical approaches during an economic boom. Poetry, however, needs to get worse to get better, lest anyone think I have abandoned commentary on the art form here.


Ian Keenan said...

I'm kidding about poetry needing to get worse ...

Ryan W. said...

I must be fickle. I was ready to jump on your "poetry must get worst" bandwagon until I read that you were just kidding, and then I completely changed my mind.

say, now that the gov't is buying its own tail, the whole "wag the dog" metaphor seems like something we should start using more often but only in a shadow realm where percussion doesn't yet exist.

Ian Keenan said...

you could never get wurst, if you tried you'd have less wurst