01 May 2016

Notes to April poems

Late this summer I will confront Riopelle's statue again, beside the Palais des congrès which though convening no congress was I believe on Shelley's mind when he wrote "the world is the provincial legislature of the poem" or was that Byron? and I will imagine it admonishing "a mass of references" about the above/ below at which time I will invoke my recurring villains: deadlines and Tom Eliot.  The second time I did this Silliman posted turkeys on his blog on April 1, which got me googling to Charles Bernstein's essay from 1999 which I read for the first time that day.  I decided I had written the first poem and had to finish up, and didn't do it for five years afterwards.  Thanks to Maureen Thorson for creating the stunt.  The first of the three series is here.

4-3 Julia Ward Howe "Battle Hymn of the Republic"; 4-6 Joyce, Finnegans Wake if you didn't get that far; 4-9 Obama, then Sanders; 4-10 A Midsummer Nights' Dream, Act 2 Scene 1; 4-12 Ramayana; 4-13 Verne's Rayon Vert; 4-14 Nilamata Purana; 4-15 Rig Veda; 4-18 Pound's Canto 74; 4-25 Chaucer's "Legend of Ariadne''; 4-29 Mallarme's Throw of the Dice crossed out by Broodthaers.

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