23 July 2009

Honduras update

The US media is reporting in its headlines that 'ousted' President Mel Zelaya rejected the latest 11-point proposal, when in fact both parties did so. Zelaya had accepted the previous 7-point proposal which was rejected by the coup regime. The 11-point proposal was an attempt to placate the coup regime by introducing bizarre provisions like ominously asking the public not to protest the upcoming election results and allowing the coup regime to successfully curtail Zelaya's presidential powers.

In what was presented as Secretary of State Clinton's first conversation with coup leader Micheletti, she told him that the pressure was on him to make a deal in what was essentially an international conference call but for the fact that we didn't hear it, as it was recounted to us by her underlings. Micheletti didn't feel much pressure. The talks have had the following, easily anticipated effects:

1. Giving the coup regime legitimacy by treating it as a partner in negotiations;
2. Buying time for the coup regime to consolidate its power. During this time they've suppressed the media and gained the recognition of the newly elected president of Panama, a friend of Micheletti's. By buying time and moving up elections, they can cripple the opposition with arbitrary arrests, disinformation, and most probably ballot fraud.

Mediator and Costa Rican President Oscar Arias, after agreeing with Zelaya on the earlier 7-point plan to restore his presidency, has given up, saying the mediation should be handled by the Organization of American States. The reason for that is obvious: working for Hillary, there was no clear parameter that Zelaya's return to the presidency was essential to any agreement.

Zelaya is going to return to the country soon which will entail trying to unite himself with protestors on his behalf. The coup regime has promised to arrest him which would take the conflict to a new level.

The EU has cut off all aid, but the problem with sanctions is they presume the leaders care about the national interest. The coup leaders are afraid that if they step down, they will have to answer for their human rights violations in criminal court.

This is a case of the US covert right wing, which includes Cuban exiles and old Reagan officials, hoping they can force the issue and make Obama blink and Obama blinking. Obama's commentary on the matter has been silenced after the first days of what's nearing a one month coup. Obama has made a career out of making everyone think he's their guy, and not only does he want the corporations with links to the coup regime to like him, he wants the left and the 'world outside FoxNews' to blame Hillary and pin its hopes on him. That's why he surrounded himself with Washington establishment figures who'll do anything rather than activists who might quit in disguist over Obama's policies. There's no question Hillary has helped the coup regime create a monster that will force the president to either show decisiveness or let another Contra war in Central America happen on his watch. The US media has been tested and has proven it can toss journalistic ethics aside and cover up human rights abuses as it did in the 80s.

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